Break the Curse (or Not)

Break the Curse (or Not)

Over the twenty some years I spent in school I was told that I am a good writer, at least by scholastic measures. I don’t doubt that because people don’t have a reason to lie to me in that regard, however I do have a slight qualm with this analysis because often I don’t think I’m a good writer. I promise that statement isn’t born from a place of self-loathing but more so the fact that I hate writing itself.

Return of the Mack (Once Again)

Return of the Mack (Once Again)

Yes, yes, I know….it’s been awhile. A long while (2 years? really?) but this time I promise to make no promises regarding how often I will post. To be frank, you can be someone else if you’d like, I absolutely HATE editing photos. It’s tedious and just plain boring, much like doing taxes. You sit down, staring painfully at a screen while trying to muster up the willpower to get stuff done in an attempt to have some worthwhile return at the end. Sometimes ya hit big and other times….well you’re disappointed to say the least. However, at the end of the day, that’s life. You have to bite the bullet and get it done. And so that’s what I decided to do. Sit down and type at whomever is crazy enough to read my long winded excuses.

Photo of the Week: Monochrome Rain Ripples

Photo of the Week: Monochrome Rain Ripples

Hello again! It has certainly been a while since I last posted something here. In fact it has been one month, granted it was the shortest month even with leap day so no too bad right? During this month, filled with work, video games, too many TV shows and the discovery of an excellent progressive metal band , I have been contemplating on what I would like to bring to this blog. One idea, that I am now invoking is.....The Photo of the Week! 



Hello and welcome to See Sounds Hear Colors! If you have been to this site before you may notice some slight changes, like the entire website. If this is your first time here then you have nothing to worry about! I have no intention of making such a huge change again in the near future (fingers crossed).

My First Blog Post

My First Blog Post

When I was first introduced to the wonderful world of photography (circa 2012-2013) I thought "Man this is pretty fun, I want to share these photos with friends and family!" Given my personality type it probably wasn't as emphatic as you think it was but I was pumped nonetheless. Looking for a place to post my work I did what any relatively social 90s baby would do, I went to Facebook. After posting a few albums over a few years I slowly learned that Facebook isn't the best medium for an "up and coming" photographer, at least not for me.