Photo of the Week: Flatiron District

As promised I bring you another Photo of the Week *echo effect*. Last time we were sitting in an empty train station during the dead of night. This week, however, we are in one of the most bustling cities known to man. That's right! New York City! Have a look below at the PotW: Flatiron District.

Flatiron District - 16.7 mm, f/13 at 1/220 sec


Over the past year I have been to New York much more often than I would like. For that I 100% blame work and my friends. But despite my annoyance towards the City of Insomnia, I do appreciate its unique qualities and I am every so often compelled to capture it. This time was due to an impromptu adventure with a friend of mine. We set out around noon and roamed the Midtown area with no destination (a rather unsettling process for me). To ease my nerves I used this opportunity to exercise my "photo vision" and began snapping a few pics to review later. In time the hunger set in with picture taking replaced by a wild hunt for food. We decided on a nearby place called Nick's Pizza Bar where we stuffed our faces with thin crust pizza topped with cheese, pepperoni, french fries and hot sauce. It was...divine. My friend and I then hobbled our way out of the heavenly gates to continue our aimless pilgrimage. Shortly afterwards we ended up in the Flatiron District, the birth place of this photo. Immediately I knew this would be the money shot of the day and ultimately a PotW. 



I often forget that panoramic photos are possible and remembering is an exciting surprise. The Fuji X-T10 handles this very nicely with a few settings to make the task easier. Not having used the panorama feature for some time, my first two shots contained an elongated, open top bus with a set of quintuplets. Not really what I was looking for, so I adjusted my aim just a bit higher resulting in the above view. The post production was quick with only a little cropping and a saturation boost to bring out the vibrancy of the day.

This was a really simple shot that has easily become one of my favorites within the city. It makes me just a tad bit eager to head back to capture some more gems. Perhaps I'll even find another fantastic pizza place!

 Well that's all for this week. Feel free to like, comment, share and/or subscribe. I have some interesting projects in the works and I would hate for you to miss out.

Until next time!