My First Blog Post

When I was first introduced to the wonderful world of photography (circa 2012-2013) I thought "Man this is pretty fun, I want to share these photos with friends and family!" Given my personality type it probably wasn't as emphatic as you think it was but I was pumped nonetheless. Looking for a place to post my work I did what any relatively social 90s baby would do, I went to Facebook. After posting a few albums over a few years I slowly learned that Facebook isn't the best medium for an "up and coming" photographer, at least not for me. I toyed with the idea of building a website to give my art its rightful spotlight on the interwebs. I pondered and thought and contemplated and theorized and imagined until finally I said "Let's do this!". I sat at my laptop and summoned the basic knowledge of HTML and CSS I possessed and produced one of the most amazingly lackluster creations I have ever had the displeasure of calling my own. Sure it had a few nifty and unnecessary aesthetic features but I felt that it didn't properly convey my goal for the website. So I scrapped it. 

A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered a new  found passion to create a website. Okay so it wasn't a hundred years and it was just me but who doesn't like a good Avatar reference? I got back on the path of building a website but after a short period I realized what my real problem was. I was far more concerned about building a website than I was about displaying the content that I was passionate about. I was so focused on the looks and frills that I forgot what its main purpose was. Shame shame I know my name. After revising my priorities I searched up websites that would help me build a website (prior to this I was using Visual Studio to make the website from scratch aka a poor mistake). I stumbled upon SquareSpace and within a few days I had the bare-bones of my site. This approach left me with a lot of free time to focus on preparing my photos (and other works soon to come) and display them in a proper manner of which I'm very proud of.

All in all I am pleased with the outcome of these past weeks (technically years) and I am thoroughly excited to start the next phase of this journey. I hope you all continue to pop on over here every once in a while (everyday) and enjoy all that this site has to offer.

- Korey

Lesson Learned: Focus on displaying the content.

Quote that comes to mind: "If you build it they will come."