About Moi
My First Blog Post talks about why I decided to create this website. What that post doesn't do is answer the instinctive question burning in the recesses of your mind: Why should I care about this site? The answer I have for that question is quite simple really. Je ne sais pas. Ich weiB es nicht. I don't know. I can not give an actual reason as to why you should use your precious time perusing through this site. But, if I haven't lost you by now, I can tell you what I wish to offer and then you can decide if those are things you care about or at least find interesting.
- My own perspective of the world we live in through photography and literature.
- Witty dry humor.
- Lists of at least three items.
- A webmaster engaged in his online community.
- The occasional nerd talk/reference.
- Good clean fun and intrigue.
Now if you've made it this far you might be curious to know a few things about myself. I will try to cover all of the important and interesting facts.
- Living
- Human
- Male
- Name: Korey Edwards
- Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
- Works as a software developer (long story)
- Never been seen in the same room as Batman (you do the math)
- I'm Batman (and I like doing math)
- Christian (some Christian motifs may appear in my posts)
- Video Gamer (PlayStation FTW!)
- Always try to be the best version of myself (Like "The One")